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Grandma’s Pie Crust

Auteur : Christian Sauvé
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a mean pie crust. Happily, I still have a copy of her recipe. Now you can make it, too! Perfect for your favorite holiday dessert, seasonal apple pie, or even quiche.

Both of the recipes call for an unexpected ingredient: vinegar. I’ve always thought that was the secret to the wonderful flavor of this crust. I’ve modified Grandma’s pie crust recipe a bit—I use butter instead of Crisco—but it’s still our go-to recipe for pie making.

Makes two crustsMy grandma made

3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour, sifted
1 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 cups butter, chilled
1 large egg
2 teaspoons vinegar (I use apple cider vinegar)

Measure flour and salt into large bowl. Using a pastry blender, cut butter into dry ingredients until you have a fine crumble. Crack egg into measuring cup; add vinegar and then enough water to make 7/8 of a cup, more or less. Use fork to whisk egg mixture together. Pour egg mixture into dry ingredients almost all at once. (I usually hold out about a quarter of a cup.) Mix with the fork, gently gathering the dough from the outside of the bowl. Add the rest of the liquid if necessary. Do not over mix. Alternatively, you can use a stand mixer – just be sure not to over mix.

As soon as the dough comes together, turn it out onto a floured surface. Use your hands to carefully press the dough together—you’re not kneading here, just binding the ingredients together in a solid mass. Divide dough evenly, then roll out on a liberally floured surface. These days, my youngest son is in charge of our holiday pies. Let me tell you, folks. If my teenager can tackle pie crust made from scratch, you can too! No more Mrs. Smith’s frozen pies for you.

Christian Sauvé