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Homemade All-Natural Pink Lemonade with Rhubarb

Auteur : Joel MacCharles
Internet :

2 lemons
2 pieces of rhubarb
3 tablespoons of honey
1 cup water

Place 1-cup of water in a saucepan and place on high heat.
Chop rhubarb into small pieces and add to water.
Cook rhubarb until smooth. You can use a food processor or stick blender if you’d like at this point.
Reduce rhubarb to about 3/4 of a cup.

Strain rhubarb through a fine sieve of cheesecloth. Solids can be used in baking or mixed with something sweet (like strawberries).
Measure rhubarb liquid – you will have around a half cup.
Add lemon juice until you have 1 cup of rhubarb/lemon total.
Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with the concentrate.
Add 4-6 tablespoons of concentrate to 1 cup of water and serve ice-cold.

Christian Sauvé