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kombucha SCOBY jerky

Auteur : Emily Bartlett
Internet :

4-6 kombucha SCOBYs* – find Kombucha starter cultures here
1 T ginger, shredded
1 T garlic, shredded
½ cup kombucha – – find Kombucha starter cultures her
½ cup organic unpasteurized soy sauce – I like this one
7 T raw honey – find amazing raw honey here
1 pinch chili flakes (or more if you like spicy)

Choose thin SCOBYs for this project or take your thick SCOBYs and separate the thin layers from the thick zygomatic mat.

Use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the SCOBY into strips no more than 1 ½ inch wide. Length is up to you and the available space in your dehydrator.

Add the kombucha and soy sauce to a bowl.
Add the honey one tablespoon at a time. Dissolve it in the liquid using a whisk.

Add ginger, garlic and chili flakes and mix.
Dip your SCOBY strips in the marinade and lay out on dehydrator trays.

Dehydrate until much of the moisture is gone from the SCOBY strips. (Approximately 4 hours at 105°F.)**

Remove SCOBYs from dehydrator and place in a container of marinade in the fridge for 24 hours or until you are ready to dehydrate again. The SCOBYs will now rehydrate and infuse with your marinade.

Dehydrate for 8 hours at 105°F.

Remove your homemade Kombucha SCOBY Jerky and store in airtight jars.

Christian Sauvé