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kvass de fleur de sureau

Auteur : Baba Yaga
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This time I decided to share with you the recipe for fermented kvass from elderberry flowers which is pretty popular in Russia and Ukraine.

4-5L of water
5-7 inflorescence (flower heads) of Elderberry
1-2 lemons
2.5 cup of sugar

I recommend making the syrup first, because it it needs to be cold or at room temperature to be mixed with all the other ingredients. For that simply boil water and dissolve the sugar in it.
Cut the lemons and take out all the lemon seeds other wise your fermented lemonade will be totally bitter.
Put your freshly foraged flowers of Elderberry in the jar with lemon and cover all of them with room temperature syrup.
Let ferment for 5 days in a dark place and proudly drink chilled kvass with your loved ones.
Fermented food and drinks are the best elements for your vitality!

Christian Sauvé